Where I Write

Where I Write with Kate White

Where I Write with Kate White

I know this may sound crazy, but I owe a big part of my success as a suspense author to finally figuring out the best place for me to write. In a pinch I can crank out pages almost anywhere (even, if desperate, in a dentist’s office), but I’m the… Read More
Avon Book Fest Molly Green

Where I Write with Molly Green

A cabin in the garden When my husband, Edward, and I moved to our bungalow set amidst a half-acre garden, I was thrilled. The garden would be plenty big enough to take a railway carriage! That would be the perfect place for my writing. I’ve always been crazy about trains. Read More
AvonBookFest Hannah Sunderland Where I Write

Where I Write with Hannah Sunderland

The thing that is most essential to me getting words down on the page is comfort, ergo many, many scatter cushions and a footrest. I usually have a cafetiere of coffee on the go, which I forget about and let go cold more often than not, but even having the… Read More
AvonBookFest Mel Sherratt Where I Write

Where I Write with Mel Sherratt

I moved home three years ago. I do love our new place, but my office is a lot smaller. Having said that, I live in a bungalow now and there is a larger spare bedroom that I could move into, but I don’t. So I guess I like this one. The… Read More
Where I Write with J.P. Carter

Where I Write with J.P. Carter

The third book in the DCI Anna Tate crime series, Little Boy Lost by J.P. Carter is released today! We caught up with the author to find out how and where he writes his brilliant crime novels. Where do you write most often and why? I do most of my… Read More
Where I Write with Jane Gilley

Where I Write with Jane Gilley

Percy, my beloved fluffy little house-rabbit, had to be put to sleep recently, due to compaction of the gut. Yet how I miss him; I miss seeing him frolicking in the garden and his lovely cuddles. I especially miss him when the long hours of writing get to a stage… Read More
Where I Write Sue Moorcroft

Where I Write with Sue Moorcroft

Where do you write most often and why? I’m lucky enough to have my own space to write – my study. It’s small and looks out over my back garden. Although it’s not exactly tidy, I know where everything is … or, at least, that everything’s in there somewhere. It gets… Read More