Crime Fiction

AvonBookFest Mel Sherratt Where I Write

Where I Write with Mel Sherratt

I moved home three years ago. I do love our new place, but my office is a lot smaller. Having said that, I live in a bungalow now and there is a larger spare bedroom that I could move into, but I don’t. So I guess I like this one. The… Read More
What inspired me to write The Silent House

What inspired me to write The Silent House by Nell Pattison

The main character in The Silent House is a British Sign Language interpreter called Paige Northwood, and when she receives an emergency call-out from the police she finds herself thrown into a murder investigation. I had known for a while that I wanted to write a novel featuring the Deaf… Read More

Balancing Fact and Fiction

Using Real-Life Experiences in My Novels The Missing Wife is my fourth psychological suspense novel and as its publication day fast approaches I’ve been thinking about what ‘goes in’ to my novels: where the ideas come from, how the characters are developed, how I choose their traits and back stories,… Read More
Tick Tock - Mel Sherratt

The Good and Bad in us all

As I get ready to publish my thirteenth crime novel, which is the second book in the DS Grace Allendale series, Tick Tock, I’m already wondering what my readers will think of it. I always like to find the light within the darkness, even though I write crime thrillers. I’m… Read More
Perfect Crime - Helen Fields

Motherhood, crime writing and hypocrisy

Most of the time, my career as a writer perfectly complements being a mother of three. I’m extremely fortunate. I take my children to school and pick them up. I never miss a parents’ evening or sports game, and I’m always around to help with homework or to run an… Read More
In Safe Hands - JP Carter

How to create a detective

The crime fiction market has never been more competitive, with so many brilliant books vying for attention. It’s a real challenge for authors to write something that stands out from the rest. We all strive to develop original concepts and riveting storylines, but one of the hardest parts to get… Read More

Avon Books Christmas Guide

Avon Books Christmas Guide It’s that time of the year again! Christmas is just a few weeks away and we couldn’t be more excited! As wonderful as it is with the endless parties, mountains of mince pies and gallons of mulled wine, it’s also a very busy season and there’s… Read More
The Taken Girls - GD Sanders

Taking a Creative Writing Course

I began writing seriously some ten years ago but my development as a writer really began when I secured a place on the Curtis Brown Creative writing course in September 2013. It almost didn’t happen. Earlier that year I’d submitted my first novel, an historical spy story, to Curtis Brown… Read More
Setting a crime serious in your home town - Mell Sherratt - Hush Hush

Setting a crime series in your home town

‘It’s a small world’ is a common phrase in the place I grew up. You see, I come from a small city in the Midlands. It’s a city that seems stuck in its past, trying desperately to rise above the smoky days of its history. But it’s a city that… Read More
The Rebel by Jaime Raven

How real crime inspired The Rebel

  There’s been an alarming increase in fatal gun and knife attacks across London. Most of victims are young people and many of the killings are gang-related. But this surge in extreme violence is clearly a trend that poses a threat to everyone, young or old, male or female. And… Read More