Maddie Please

The Mini-Break by Maddie Please

Ten tips to help you deal with writer’s block

In my new book, The Mini-Break, my main character Lulu is a successful, popular romance writer who has been published around the world. Suddenly she gets writer’s block. I could be wrong, but I think most writers experience this. I have done some exhaustive, in depth research (I asked my… Read More
How to throw a great party by maddie please

Top Tips for Throwing a Great Party by Maddie Please

#1 Numbers -Don’t put out an open invitation on Facebook, you might be surprised at the response. -Invite people you like who will mix well together. -Encourage people to text/email/WhatsApp to let you know they are coming. -You need to know how many people to cater for. (You don’t want… Read More
Life in Devon by Maddie Please

Life in Devon

In 2015 we sold our house in Cheltenham to someone who was moving out of London. She declared it absolutely perfect (and then spent the first year knocking seven bells and several walls out of it.) Devon has more thatched houses than just about any other county and we were… Read More