Watch Me: Unabridged edition

By Angela Clarke, Read by Imogen Wilde

‘Fast-paced and full of excitement…It kept me gripped.’

The brand new novel from rising star Angela Clark, and the second in her chilling and provocative Social Media Murders series. Feisty young journalist Freddie Venton and ambitious police officer Nasreen Cudmore are up against a depraved killer who takes pleasure in taunting them online.

Format: Audio-Book
Release Date: 12 Jan 2017
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-0-00-817463-7
Detailed Edition: Unabridged edition
Angela Clarke is an author, columnist and playwright. Her debut crime novel Follow Me (Avon) is out now. Follow Me is the first in the Social Media Murders Series.Her memoir Confessions of a Fashionista (Ebury) is an Amazon Fashion Chart bestseller. Her debut play The Legacy received rave reviews after it\'s first run at The Hope Theatre in June 2015. Angela\'s journalist contributions include: The Guardian, The Independent Magazine, The Daily Mail, and Cosmopolitan. Now magazine described her as a \'glitzy outsider\'. Angela read English and European Literature at Essex University, and Advances in Scriptwriting at RADA. In 2015 Angela was awarded the Young Stationers\' Prize for achievement and promise in writing and publishing.

Praise for WATCH ME: -

'Watch Me is another zinging thriller in this social media crime series from Angela Clarke. From Snapchat to doxing to revenge porn, each turn of the page will make you reconsider your Internet life, and will definitely leave you worrying who's watching you. Smart, sassy and totally on point, following Nas and Freddie's investigations are a must.'SARAH PINBOROUGH -

‘Starts with heart-pounding intent, and then the excitement intensifies…’SHARON BOLTON -

Praise for FOLLOW ME: -

”'Written in the sharpest style, the story races along … there’s a verve to it that’s impossible to resist. Clarke is certainly someone to watch!” - DAILY MAIL

”'A disturbing narrative … a very contemporary nightmare, delivered with panache” - INDEPENDENT

”'An original idea…Freddie is a magnificently monstrous character” - SATURDAY REVIEW, BBC Radio 4

”'Slick and clever” - SUN

”'A chilling debut” - HELLO!

”'Compelling, a proper page-turner” - EMERALD STREET

”'An appealing flawed female lead [for] readers who enjoyed THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN. An invigorating cat-and-mouse game, with a dark and filthy wit that deliciously spikes the regular drenchings of gore” - CRIME SCENE MAGAZINE

”'Pacey, gripping, and so up-to-the-minute you better read it quick!” - CLAIRE McGOWAN

‘Clarke explores the phenomenon of (social media) celebrity while tapping into your fears.' REBECCA BRADLEY -

”'Smart, fast paced, fresh and frightening … A gripping debut.” - ROWAN COLEMAN

”'Follow Me is literally gripping - the tension levels were forcing me to clutch the book so hard that my hands hurt!” - Daisy Buchanan, GRAZIA

”'Outstanding!” - SHOTS