The Vengeful One: Part of the Love…Maybe ebook short story collection.
When a pharmacist discovers her boyfriend’s infidelity, she uses her expertise to cook up a Valentine’s Day surprise he’ll never be able to forget…
***This is a short story, which you can also buy as part of the Love…Maybe Eshort Collection***
Marnie Riches grew up on a rough estate in Manchester, aptly within sight of the dreaming spires of Strangeways prison. Able to speak five different languages, she gained a Masters degree in Modern & Medieval Dutch and German from Cambridge University. She has been a punk, a trainee rock star, a pretend artist, a property developer and professional fundraiser. In her spare time, she likes to run, mainly to offset the wine and fine food she consumes with great enthusiasm.Having authored the first six books of HarperCollins Children’s Time-Hunters series, she now writes crime thrillers for adults and contemporary women’s fiction. The first book in her gripping George McKenzie Series, will launch April 2015.