Christmas reading

Three Chilling Thrillers

Three Chilling Thrillers to Read this Winter

This winter, enjoy a mince pie with a slice of murder with these three chilling thrillers from Alex Pine, Nell Pattison and Sam Carrington. The Killer in the Snow by Alex Pine Out now in ebook, paperback and audiobook The first fall of snow can be fatal…… Read More

Avon Books Christmas Guide

Avon Books Christmas Guide It’s that time of the year again! Christmas is just a few weeks away and we couldn’t be more excited! As wonderful as it is with the endless parties, mountains of mince pies and gallons of mulled wine, it’s also a very busy season and there’s… Read More

Christmas in 1943

Christmas in 1943 When Avon asked me if I would write a post for their website on what Christmas was like in 1943 – the year my latest book, An Orphan’s Wish, is set in – I automatically said yes. However, it’s a rather gloomy subject because the war was… Read More